
Significant financial reporting principles

Basis of preparation of the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken Cooperative Financial Network for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017, prepared by the Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e.V. (BVR), have to be prepared for a specific purpose pursuant to the financial reporting principles set out below. They have been prepared for informational purposes and to present the business development and performance of the Cooperative Financial Network, which is treated as a single economic entity in terms of its risks and strategies. In addition, the financial statements were prepared in compliance with the provisions set out in article 113(7)(e) of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 (Capital Requirements Regulation – CRR).

The consolidated financial statements have to include the following components:

  • Income statement for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (pursuant to IAS 1.81 A to IAS 1.105)
  • Statement of comprehensive income for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (pursuant to IAS 1.81A to IAS 1.105)
  • Balance sheet as at December 31, 2017 (pursuant to IAS 1.54 to IAS 1.80A)
  • Statement of changes in equity for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (pursuant to IAS 1.106 to IAS 1.110) Statement of cash flows
  • Statement of cash flows for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017 (pursuant to IAS 7.1 to IAS 7.47)
  • Explanatory information on the consolidated financial statements
  • Management report including risk report for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017

The consolidated financial statements have to include comparative figures for the prior year. The consolidated financial statements have to be prepared in euros. Unless stated otherwise, all amounts have to be shown in millions of euros (€ million). All figures have to be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Scope of consolidation

Regardless of whether the criteria for qualifying as a corporate group under other national or international financial reporting principles are met, the consolidated financial statements have to include as consolidated entities all primary banks existing as at the reporting date (the local cooperative banks, Sparda banks, PSD banks, Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG, and specialized institutions), all entities included in the IFRS consolidated financial statements of DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main (DZ BANK), Münchener Hypothekenbank eG (MHB), the BVR protection scheme, and BVR Institutssicherung GmbH.

Procedures of consolidation

The consolidated entities have to prepare their financial statements on the basis of the financial year ended December 31.

As required by IFRS 3.4 et seq. in conjunction with IFRS 10, business combinations have to be accounted for using the acquisition method by offsetting the acquisition cost of a subsidiary against the share of the equity that is attributable to the parent entities and remeasured at fair value on the date at which control is acquired. This eliminates the multiple gearing of eligible elements of own funds and any inappropriate creation of own funds for regulatory purposes between the consolidated entities listed above. Any positive difference between these two amounts has to be recognized as goodwill under other assets and subjected to an annual impairment test in accordance with IAS 36.80–108. Any negative goodwill has to be recognized immediately in profit or loss. Any share of subsidiaries’ net assets not attributable to the parent entities has to be reported as non-controlling interests within equity.

Investments in joint ventures and associates pursuant to IFRS 11.4–19 generally have to be accounted for using the equity method in accordance with IAS 28.3 and reported under investments.

Assets and liabilities, as well as income and expenses, arising within the Cooperative Financial Network have to be offset against each other. Gains and losses arising from transactions between entities within the Cooperative Financial Network have to be eliminated.

Financial instruments

Financial instruments have to be designated upon initial recognition to the categories set out below if their characteristics and intended use meet the criteria for the relevant category. The following categories have been defined:

Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss

Financial instruments in this category have to be recognized at fair value through profit or loss. This category has to be broken down into the following subcategories:

Financial instruments held for trading
Financial assets and financial liabilities that are acquired or incurred for the purpose of selling or repurchasing them in the near term, that are part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profittaking, or that are derivatives, except for derivatives that are designated and effective hedging instruments have to be assigned to the ‘financial instruments held for trading’ subcategory.

Contingent consideration in a business combination
Contingent considerations that the acquirer has classified as financial assets or financial liabilities in the context of a business combination have to be assigned to this subcategory.

Financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss; fair value option
Financial assets and financial liabilities may be designated to the ‘financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss’ subcategory by exercising the fair value option, provided that the application of this option eliminates or significantly reduces measurement or recognition inconsistencies (accounting mismatches), the financial assets and liabilities are managed as a portfolio on a fair value basis or they include one or more embedded derivatives required to be separated from the host contract.

Held-to-maturity investments

Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity can be assigned to the ‘held-to-maturity investments’ category. These assets have to be measured at amortized cost. The premiums and discounts have to be allocated over the expected life of the instrument.

Loans and receivables

Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market have to be assigned to the ‘loans and receivables’ category. Loans and receivables have to be measured at amortized cost. The premiums and discounts have to be allocated over the expected life of the instrument.

Available-for-sale financial assets

Financial assets that cannot be classified in any other category have to be categorized as ‘available-for-sale financial assets’. They have to be measured at fair value. Any changes in fair value between two balance sheet dates have to be recognized in other comprehensive income. The changes in fair value reported on the balance sheet have to be included in the revaluation reserve as part of equity. When financial assets in this category are sold, gains and losses recognized in the revaluation reserve have to be reclassified to the income statement. Equity instruments in this category have to be measured at cost if their fair value cannot be reliably determined.

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

This category includes all financial liabilities that are measured at amortized cost.

In accordance with IAS 32.15-32, shares in partnerships are normally classified as debt instruments. Given their subordinated status compared with the liabilities of the partnerships concerned, non-controlling interests in this case are reported as subordinated capital. Profit attributable to non-controlling interests is recognized under other liabilities, provided that the resulting liability is not of a subordinated nature. Non-controlling interests in partnerships are classified as ‘share capital repayable on demand’ and are assigned to the ‘financial liabilities measured at amortized cost’ category.

Liabilities under compensation payment obligations owed to non-controlling interests in consolidated subsidiaries have to be assigned to this category. These liabilities arise if another entity controlled by the Cooperative Financial Network has concluded a profit transfer agreement with a subsidiary in accordance with section 291 (1) of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) under which there are non-controlling interests. Liabilities under compensation payment obligations have to be recognized at the amount of the discounted obligation.

Liabilities from capitalization transactions that are not designated as unit-linked insurance products also have to be assigned to this category. There is no significant transfer of insurance risk in these transactions and they do not therefore satisfy the criteria for an insurance contract under IFRS 4, appendix A. As a consequence, such transactions need to be treated as financial instruments in accordance with the principles defined above.

Other financial instruments

Insurance-related financial assets and financial liabilities, receivables and liabilities arising from finance leases, and liabilities from financial guarantee contracts have to be categorized as other financial instruments.

Insurance-related financial assets and financial liabilities as well as receivables and liabilities from finance leases have to be recognized and measured in accordance with the principles set out in this section and in the corresponding sections entitled ‘Insurance business’ and ‘Leases’.

Liabilities from financial guarantee contracts must be recognized as a liability at fair value by the issuer of the guarantee at the date of issue. The fair value normally has to be equivalent to the present value of the consideration received for issuing the financial guarantee contract. In any subsequent measurement, the obligation must be measured at the higher of the provision amount determined and the amount initially recognized less any cumulative amortization.

Application of the fair value option

In the consolidated financial statements, the fair value option has to be applied in all scenarios set out in IAS 39.9. The fair value option has to be applied to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches that arise if non-derivative financial instruments and related derivatives used to hedge such instruments are measured differently. Derivatives have to be measured at fair value through profit or loss, whereas non-derivative financial instruments generally have to be measured at amortized cost or changes in fair value have to be recognized in other comprehensive income. If the relevant hedge accounting criteria are not met, this gives rise to accounting mismatches that can be significantly

reduced by applying the fair value option. The fair value option has to be used in the context of financial assets to prevent accounting mismatches that could arise in connection with loans and advances to banks and customers and bearer bonds. The risk and the performance arising from certain own-account investments have to be determined on the basis of their fair values. The fair value option also has to be applied to structured financial assets and financial liabilities containing embedded derivatives requiring bifurcation, provided that the embedded derivatives cannot be measured separately and the financial assets and financial liabilities are not held for trading.

Initial recognition and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

Derivatives initially have to be recognized on the trade date. Regular way purchases and sales of non-derivative financial assets generally have to be recognized and derecognized using settlement date accounting. In the case of consolidated investment funds and the issue of certain securities, the financial instruments have to be recognized on the trade date.

All financial instruments have to be measured at fair value on initial recognition. In the case of financial assets or financial liabilities that subsequently do not have to be measured at fair value through profit or loss, initial recognition has to include transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset or issue of the liability concerned.

Financial assets have to be derecognized if the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets have expired or these rights have been transferred to third parties, and substantially no risks or rewards of ownership in the financial assets remain. If the criteria for derecognizing financial assets are not satisfied, the transfer to third parties has to be recognized as a secured loan. Financial liabilities have to be derecognized when the contractual obligations have been settled, extinguished or have expired.

Impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses on financial assets

Financial assets not measured as at fair value through profit or loss must be tested at each balance sheet date to establish whether there is any objective evidence that these assets are impaired.

In the case of debt instruments, important objective evidence of impairment includes financial difficulties on the part of the issuer or debtor, delay or default on interest payments or repayments of principal, failure to comply with ancillary contractually agreed arrangements or the contractually agreed provision of collateral, a significant downgrading in credit rating or issue of a default rating. In the case of securitization exposures, impairment testing requires an assessment of the assets underlying the securitization.

Significant objective evidence of impairment in the case of equity instruments includes a lasting deterioration in financial performance, sustained losses or consumption of equity, substantial changes with adverse consequences for the issuer’s technological, market, economic or legal environment, and/or a considerable or enduring reduction in fair value associated with such changes.

There are indications that financial assets may be impaired if the fair value falls by more than 20 percent of average cost or if the fair value remains below average cost for more than six months.

As regards securities, the disappearance of an active market for a financial asset owing to financial difficulties on the part of the issuer may constitute evidence of impairment.

Embedded derivatives

Embedded derivatives that are combined with a non-derivative financial instrument (host contract) in a hybrid (compound) instrument must be separated from the host contract and accounted for separately if the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract, a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the definition of a derivative, and the hybrid (compound) instrument is not measured at fair value through profit or loss. If these conditions are not met, the embedded derivative may not be separated from the host contract. If an embedded derivative has to be separated, the individual components of the compound instrument have to be recognized and measured in accordance with the rules for the original financial instruments.

Hedge accounting
Fair value hedges

A fair value hedge is intended to ensure that changes in the fair value of the hedged item are offset by countervailing changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument. Changes in the fair value of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk and changes in the fair value of the hedging instrument have to be recognized in profit or loss. Risks have to be hedged by designating hedges either on an individual or on a portfolio basis.

Hedged items categorized as ‘loans and receivables’, ‘financial liabilities measured at amortized cost’, or receivables under finance leases have to be measured in accordance with the measurement principles presented for financial instruments. The values have to be adjusted for the change in fair value attributable to the hedged risk. Hedged items categorized as ‘available-for-sale financial assets’ have to be measured at fair value, although only changes not attributable to the hedged changes in fair value have to be recognized in other comprehensive income. Interest income and interest expense arising from hedged items or hedging instruments have to be recognized under net interest income.

If the fair value is hedged against interest-rate risks on a portfolio basis, the cumulative changes in fair value attributable to the hedged risk have to be reported on the balance sheet under fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedges of interest-rate risk, either under other assets or under other liabilities depending on whether the portfolio comprises financial assets or financial liabilities.

Cash flow hedges

Hedging instruments have to be measured at fair value. Changes in fair value attributable to the effective portion of the hedge have to be recognized in other comprehensive income. Changes in fair value attributable to the ineffective portion of the hedge have to be recognized in profit or loss. Hedged items have to be recognized and measured in accordance with the general principles for the relevant measurement category. At the end of a hedging relationship, any changes in fair value recognized in other comprehensive income must be reclassified to profit or loss on the date on which the hedged items or transactions are also recognized in profit or loss.

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations have to be accounted for in the same way as cash flow hedges.

Currency translation

All monetary assets and liabilities, together with unsettled spot transactions, are translated at the closing rate into the relevant functional currency of the consolidated entity. Cash in foreign currency is translated using the buying rate for cash on the balance sheet date. The translation of non-monetary assets and liabilities depends on the way in which these assets and liabilities are measured. If non-monetary assets are measured at amortized cost, they are translated using the historical exchange rate. Non-monetary assets measured at fair value are translated at the closing rate. Income, expenses, gains, and losses are translated on the date they are recognized either in profit or loss or in other comprehensive income.

If the functional currency of entities consolidated in the financial statements is different from the reporting currency (euros), all assets and liabilities have to be translated at the closing rate. Equity has to be translated at the historical rate, while income and expenses have to be translated at average rates. Any differences arising from currency translation have to be reported in the currency translation reserve.

Insurance business
General information on the accounting treatment of insurance business

Insurance contracts have to be recognized in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 4.13–35. Capitalization transactions have to be classified as financial instruments and recognized in accordance with the aforementioned principles. Service contracts are subject to the revenue recognition requirements specified in IAS 18.20–28.

The insurance business of the Cooperative Financial Network has to be generally reported under specific insurance items in the income statement and on the balance sheet.

Financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets and financial liabilities held or acquired as part of insurance business have to be accounted for in accordance with the accounting principles for financial instruments presented above. These financial assets and financial liabilities have to be reported under investments held by insurance companies, other assets held by insurance companies, and other liabilities of insurance companies. Any impairment losses related to financial assets reported under investments held by insurance companies or other assets held by insurance companies are applied directly to the carrying amount.

The benefit obligations under capitalization transactions for which no material insurance risk is assumed when the policy is concluded have to be included in other liabilities of insurance companies. They have to be reported under liabilities from capitalization transactions. The underlying financial instruments in these transactions have to be reported as part of assets related to unit-linked contracts under investments held by insurance companies.

Investment property

The investment property included in the investments held by insurance companies has to be measured at amortized cost in accordance with the cost model. Non-interest-bearing, low-interest or forgivable loans have to be recognized in the same way as government grants. The amount of financial assistance or any government grant has to be deducted when the carrying amount of the asset is identified and then has to be recognized in profit or loss over the period covered by the assistance or grant by means of a reduced depreciation charge.

Recoverable amounts have to be determined for real estate so that this information can be used in impairment tests in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 13.27–33. For this purpose, standard valuation methods have to be used that are based on the requirements of the German Real Estate Valuation Regulation (ImmoWertV), the German Real Estate Valuation Guidelines (WertR 2006), and the German Building Code (BauGB). Accordingly, the current value of real estate has to be determined by using the sales comparison approach, income approach, or cost approach and taking into account the provisions of any relevant contracts.

Any expenditure that increases value and extends the useful life of real estate or results in a significant improvement in the fabric of a building has to be capitalized. Maintenance and repair costs have to be expensed as incurred.

Insurance liabilities

Insurance liabilities have to be recognized and measured in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) and other German accounting provisions applicable to insurance companies. Insurance liabilities have to be shown before the deduction of the share of reinsurers, which is reported as an asset.

Provision for unearned premiums
The provision for unearned premiums has to cover premiums that have already been collected but that relate to future periods.

The provision for unearned premiums from direct non-life insurance operations has to be calculated from the gross premiums using the 360-day system. Calculation of non-transferable income components has to be based on the letter from the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [German Federal Ministry of Finance] dated April 30, 1974.

Unearned premiums from life insurance have to be calculated taking into account the starting date and maturity date of each individual policy after deduction of non-transferable premium components.

The proportion of the provision for unearned premiums relating to ceded insurance business has to be calculated as specified in the individual reinsurance contracts.

Benefit reserve
The purpose of the benefit reserve is to ensure that guaranteed entitlements to future insurance benefits can be satisfied on a permanent basis. Guaranteed entitlements for insured persons in respect of life insurance and casualty insurance with premium refund as well as the provision for increasing age in health insurance have to be reported under the benefit reserve.

The benefit reserve for life insurance and casualty insurance with premium refund generally has to be calculated on the basis of individual policies taking into account starting dates in accordance with approved business plans and the principles declared to the relevant regulatory authorities. The prospective method has to be used for life insurance (except for unit-linked insurance products and account management arrangements) and for casualty insurance (with the exception of premium-based policies that started prior to 1982). The retrospective method has to be used for other types of insurance. Negative benefit reserves on an individual policy basis have to be recognized with an amount of zero.

The assumptions used in calculations are determined in accordance with current recommendations issued by the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V., Cologne, (DAV) [German Actuarial Association] and the regulator and in accordance with other national statutory provisions and regulations. These interest rates are generally determined by the legally prescribed maximum discount rates. The calculation assumptions apply from the date on which the policy is written until the policy expires.

For policies entered into before or in 2014, calculation of the benefit reserve generally has to be based on the Zillmer method. Following the introduction of the German Life Insurance Reform Act (LVRG), zillmerizing has not had to be applied to most new business entered into since 2015. In particular, zillmerizing has not had to be applied to subsidized pension insurance policies under the German Personal Pension Plan Act (AVmG) or to pension insurance policies under reinsured pension plans.

The benefit reserve implicitly has to include administrative expenses for contracts with ongoing payment of premiums. A provision for administrative costs has to be recognized to cover premium-free years under insurance policies, fully paid-up insurance, and some legacy insurance commitments.

In health insurance, benefit reserves have to be computed prospectively on an individual policy basis using the technical parameters for calculating rates. Negative benefit reserves and positive benefit reserves have to be netted. The parameters for the computation of the reserves involve, in particular, assumptions regarding rates of return on investment, mortality, cancellations, and costs.

When the benefit reserves are prospectively calculated, the parameters used have to be retained throughout the term of the policy. If the actuarial analyses conducted once a year reveal that the level of cover offered is inadequate in terms of either biometric parameters or discount rate, appropriate adjustments have to be made. The biometric parameters used in such computations are based primarily on the mortality and invalidity tables published by the DAV.

Since 2011, supplementary change-in-discount-rate reserves have had to be recognized for policies with a discount rate in excess of the reference rate. For new policies, this has to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the German Regulation on the Principles Underlying the Calculation of the Premium Reserve (DeckRV). A supplementary change-in-discount-rate reserve has to be recognized for policies with a discount rate in excess of the reference rate specified in the DeckRV. With the approval of BaFin, the supplementary change-in-discount-rate reserve has to be increased for existing policies. Entity-specific probabilities for cancellation and lump-sum payments have had to be used since 2016.

Provision for claims outstanding
The provision for claims outstanding has to cover benefit obligations arising from claims in which it is not yet possible to reliably determine the amount and/or the timing of the payment. The provision has to be recognized for claims that have already been reported and also for insured events that have occurred but have not yet been reported. It has to include both internal and external expenses as well as the cost of settling claims.

The provision for claims outstanding in direct nonlife insurance business has to be determined on a case-by-case basis for known claims. Recourse claims, excess proceeds, and claims under loss sharing agreements have to be netted. Based on the level of delayed claims reports observed in previous years, an additional claims provision has to be recognized for claims that occur or are caused before the balance sheet date but have not yet been reported by this date. Statistical estimates have to be used in this measurement. The provision for claims outstanding does not have to be discounted, except in the case of the pension benefits reserve. The provisions for claims settlement expenses, which are also included in this item, have to be calculated in accordance with the requirements set out in the coordinated regulations issued by the German federal states on February 2, 1973 and in accordance with formula 48 (German Insurance Association [GDV] formula) as specified in a letter dated March 20, 1973. Under these arrangements, internal costs likely to be incurred in connection with the settlement of future claims have to be projected using an overall rate applied to the present level of expenses.

The provision for claims outstanding as regards life insurance and pension funds has to be determined on a case-by-case basis. The provision has to be recognized for claims that have already been incurred and reported by the balance sheet date, but have not yet been settled.

A provision for settlement expenses has to be recognized in an amount equivalent to 1 percent of the claims provision to cover claims incurred and reported by the balance sheet date (excluding maturing policies) and also IBNR losses.

In health insurance, the provision for claims outstanding has to be determined on the basis of the costs paid out in the financial year in connection with claims during the year. The calculation has to be based on claims experience over the previous three financial years. Recourse claims have to be deducted from the provision for claims outstanding, as do reimbursements due under the German Act on the Reform of the Pharmaceuticals Market (AMNOG). The recognized provision includes the costs of settling claims, calculated in accordance with tax rules. The reinsurers’ share of the provision has to be determined in accordance with reinsurance agreements. Where appropriate, provisions for claims outstanding have to be recognized on a case-by-case basis for claims relevant to reinsurance.

Provision for premium refunds
The provision for premium refunds has to cover obligations not yet due for settlement on the balance sheet date relating to premium refunds to insured parties. It has to include amounts allocated to policyholders under statutory or contractual arrangements for bonuses and rebates. In addition, the provision for premium refunds has to include provisions resulting from time-restricted cumulative recognition and measurement differences between items in the financial statements prepared in accordance with these significant financial reporting principles and those prepared in accordance with HGB. In the case of measurement differences recognized in other comprehensive income, such as unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale financial assets, corresponding expenses for deferred premium refunds have to be recognized in other comprehensive income; otherwise, changes in the provision have to be recognized in profit or loss.

The expenses for deferred premium refunds in the non-life insurance business have to be recognized in an amount equivalent to 90 percent of the difference between the carrying amounts for items in the financial statements prepared in accordance with these significant financial reporting principles and those in the financial statements prepared in accordance with HGB net of deferred taxes.

The provision for premium refunds related to life insurance policies and pension funds has to be recognized to cover the entitlement of policyholders to profit-related premium refunds. Funds earmarked in this way are made available for future allocation of bonuses to policyholders on an individual policy basis.

Within the overall provision for premium refunds, a distinction has to be made between provisions attributable to bonuses already declared but not yet allocated (including participation in valuation reserves in accordance with HGB), the funding used to finance future terminal bonuses, and the free provision for premium refunds. Expenses for deferred premium refunds have to be recognized in an amount equivalent to 90 percent of the difference between the carrying amounts for items in the financial statements prepared in accordance with these significant financial reporting principles and those in the financial statements prepared in accordance with HGB net of deferred taxes.

The provision for premium refunds related to health insurance has to include amounts allocated to policyholders under statutory or contractual arrangements for bonuses and rebates. Expenses for deferred premium refunds have to be recognized in an amount equivalent to 80 percent of the difference between the carrying amounts for items in the financial statements prepared in accordance with these significant financial reporting principles and those in the financial statements prepared in accordance with HGB net of deferred taxes.

Other insurance liabilities
Other insurance liabilities relating to non-life insurance have to include obligations arising from membership of the Verein Verkehrsopferhilfe e.V. (VOH) [road casualty support organization], Berlin, in line with the object of this organization and the provision for unearned premiums under dormant vehicle insurance policies, the provision being determined on an individual policy basis. The cancellation provision has to be calculated on the basis of past experience, whereas operational planning has to be used as the basis for measuring the premium deficiency provision.

Other insurance liabilities for life insurance have to be computed on the basis of individual policies from premiums that are already due but have yet to be paid and have not yet been included in the life insurance liability to the extent that the investment risk is borne by the policyholders.

A cancellation provision has to be recognized within other insurance liabilities for health insurance. The cancellation provision has to be recognized to take account of expected losses and has to be calculated on the basis of empirical values relating to the premature loss, not previously accounted for, of the negative portions of the provision for increasing age.

Reinsurance business
In the case of reinsurance business, the insurance liabilities have to be recognized in accordance with the requirements specified by the ceding insurers. If no such details are available as at the balance sheet date, the provision for the financial year has to be estimated. The critical factors in estimating the provision are the contractual terms and conditions and the pattern of this business to date. In a few instances, loss provision details provided by ceding insurers are deemed to be too low in the experience of the Cooperative Financial Network; in such cases, appropriate increases have to be applied, the increases having been determined in accordance with prudent business practice, past experience, and actuarial calculation methods.

Reserve for unit-linked insurance contracts
The reserve for unit-linked insurance contracts is an item largely corresponding to assets related to unitlinked contracts. This item has to be used to report policyholders’ entitlements to their individual investment fund units where the related investments arise out of contracts to be reported in accordance with IFRS 4. The reserve has to be measured at fair value on the basis of the underlying investments. Gains and losses on the fund assets have to result in corresponding changes on the equity and liabilities side of the balance sheet.

Adequacy test for insurance liabilities

Insurance liabilities must be regularly reviewed and subjected to an adequacy test. The adequacy test determines, on the basis of a comparison with estimated future cash flows, whether the carrying amount of insurance liabilities needs to be increased.

To review the insurance liabilities in the health insurance companies, a regular comparison has to be made between the present values of estimated future insurance benefits and costs, on the one hand, and the present values of estimated future premium payments on the other.


A lease has to be classified as a finance lease if substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset are transferred to the lessee. If the risks and rewards remain substantially with the lessor, the lease is an operating lease.

Cooperative Financial Network as lessor
If a lease is classified as a finance lease, a receivable due from the lessee must be recognized. The receivable is measured at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease at the inception of the lease. Lease payments are apportioned into payment of interest and repayment of principal. The interest portion is recognized as interest income on an accrual basis.

If a lease is classified as an operating lease, the lessor retains beneficial ownership of the leased asset. These leased assets are reported as assets. The leased assets are measured at cost less depreciation and any impairment losses. Unless another systematic basis is more representative of the pattern of income over time, lease income is recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease and is included in the current income from operating leases reported under net interest income.

Cooperative Financial Network as lessee

If a lease is classified as a finance lease, the leased asset must be recognized as an asset at the lower of fair value and the present value of the minimum lease payments. A liability of an equivalent amount is also recognized. The interest expenses have to be recognized on an accrual basis.

Lease payments under operating leases have to be recognized on an accrual basis over the term of the leases concerned and reported as administrative expenses.

Interest and dividends received

Interest income is accrued and recognized in the relevant period.

Premiums and discounts are allocated over the expected life of financial instruments. Any additional directly attributable transaction costs also have to be recorded on an accrual basis and amortized over the term when these are directly connected with the acquisition or sale of a financial asset or a financial liability. Such costs include sales charges directly associated with the origination of home savings contracts.

Interest income and interest expense arising in connection with derivatives that were not entered into for trading purposes or are used to hedge financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss are reported under net interest income.

Interest income and interest expense on overnight money and fixed-term deposits arranged between different organizational units for economic management purposes and timing effects from currency swaps used for economic management of net interest income have to be recognized under net interest income or under gains and losses on trading activities, depending on their economic classification.

In contrast to interest income, current income is not recorded on an accrual basis but has to be recognized in its full amount at the date of realization. Dividends are recognized as soon as a legal entitlement to the payment of such a dividend is established.

Fees and commissions

Income from fees and commissions is recognized when the underlying services have been performed, it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the group, and the amount of the income can be reliably measured. Such income is therefore recognized in profit or loss over the period in which the underlying service is performed or immediately after the service has been performed.

In the case of performance-related management fees, income has to be recognized when the contractually agreed performance criteria have been satisfied.

Insurance business

For each insurance contract, gross premiums written are calculated pro rata temporis for an exact number of days based on the actual start date of the insurance. These premiums comprise all amounts that become due in the financial year in connection with insurance premiums, premium installments, and one-off premiums for direct insurance and reinsurance business. Premiums for unit-linked life insurance, except capitalization transactions without policyholder participation, are also recognized as gross premiums written.

The components of premiums covering administration fees are reported pro rata temporis as income in the income statement. In the case of index-linked policies and service contracts, additional administration charges, fees, and commissions are deferred and apportioned over the relevant periods for the duration of the policy or contract concerned in line with the service performed.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash on hand, balances with central banks and other government institutions, treasury bills, and non-interest-bearing treasury notes have to be recognized as cash and cash equivalents.

Holdings of cash denominated in euros or foreign currencies have to be included in cash on hand. Cash in euros has to be measured at nominal value; foreign currency cash has to be translated at the buying rate. Balances with central banks and other government institutions, treasury bills, and non-interest-bearing treasury notes have to be classified as ‘loans and receivables’ and measured at amortized cost. Interest income on cash and cash equivalents has to be recognized as interest income from lending and money market business.

Loans and andvances to banks and customers

All receivables attributable to registered debtors not classified as ‘financial instruments held for trading’ have to be recognized as loans and advances to banks and customers. In addition to fixed-term receivables and receivables payable on demand in connection with lending, lease, and money market business, promissory notes and registered bonds have to be included in loans and advances to banks and customers.

Loans and advances to banks and customers are measured at amortized cost. In fair value hedges, the carrying amounts of hedged receivables are adjusted by the change in the fair value attributable to the hedged risk. The resulting hedge adjustments are recognized within other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments under gains and losses arising on hedging transactions. To avoid or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, certain loans and advances are designated as at fair value through profit or loss. Finance lease receivables are recognized and measured in accordance with the requirements for the accounting treatment of leases.

Interest income on loans and advances to banks and customers is recognized as interest income from lending and money market operations. This also includes gains and losses on the sale of such loans and advances classified as “loans and receivables” and the amortization of hedge adjustments to carrying amounts due to fair value hedges.

Gains and losses on the valuation of loans and advances designated as at fair value through profit or loss are also shown under the same item as part of other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments.

Allowances for losses on loans and advances

Allowances for losses on loans and advances have to be reported as a separate line item on the assets side of the balance sheet. Additions to allowances for losses on loans and advances, and any reversals of such allowances, have to be recognized under allowances for losses on loans and advances in the income statement.

The recognition of allowances for losses on loans and advances also has to cover changes in the provisions for losses on loans and advances and in the liabilities from financial guarantee contracts. Any additions or reversals under these items also have to be recognized in profit or loss under allowances for losses on loans and advances.

Derivatives used for hedging (positive and negative fair values)

The carrying amounts of derivatives designated as hedging instruments in effective and documented hedging relationships have to be reported under either derivatives used for hedging (positive fair values) or derivatives used for hedging (negative fair values).

These derivatives have to be measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value of hedging instruments in fair value hedges between two balance sheet dates have to be recognized in the income statement as an element of other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments under gains and losses from hedge accounting.

If the derivative hedging instruments are being used as cash flow hedges or hedges of net investments in foreign operations, changes in fair value attributable to the effective portion of the hedges must be recognized in other comprehensive income. These changes have to be shown in the cash flow hedge reserve or in the currency translation reserve as part of equity. Changes in fair value attributable to the ineffective portion of hedges have to be recognized in other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments under gains and losses from hedge accounting.

Financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading

Financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading solely comprise financial assets and financial liabilities that fall within the measurement category “financial instruments held for trading”.

Derivatives with positive fair values are classified as financial assets held for trading if they were entered into for trading purposes or, despite being intended to be used as hedges, do not meet the requirements to be recognized as hedging instruments.

Financial instruments reported as financial assets or financial liabilities held for trading are always measured at fair value through profit or loss. Gains and losses on valuation, interest income and expense, and dividends arising from financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading are recognized under gains and losses on trading activities, provided that there is an actual intent to trade the instruments concerned.

Gains and losses on valuation of derivatives that are entered into for hedging purposes, but are not recognized as hedging transactions, have to be recognized under other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments as gains and losses on derivatives used for purposes other than trading. If, to avoid accounting mismatches, hedged items are classified as ‘financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss’, valuation gains and losses on the related derivatives concluded for hedging purposes have to be recognized under gains and losses on financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss. Interest income and interest expense arising in connection with derivatives that were not entered into for trading purposes or are used to hedge financial instruments designated as at fair value through profit or loss have to be reported under net interest income.


The following have to be recognized as investments: bearer bonds and other fixed-income securities, shares and other variable-yield securities, and other bearer or registered shareholdings in entities in which the Cooperative Financial Network has no significant influence, provided that these securities or shares are not held for trading purposes.

Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries and in joint ventures and associates also have to be included in investments. Investments initially have to be recognized at fair value. Shares and other shareholdings and investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates that are accounted for using the equity method in accordance with IAS 28.10–19, or for which a fair value cannot be reliably determined, initially have to be recognized at cost. These investments subsequently have to be measured in accordance with the applicable measurement categories described in these principles. In the case of investments in joint ventures and associates, the equity method has to be used for subsequent measurement.

Impairment losses on investments have to be applied directly to the carrying amount of the investment.

Interest and any investment premiums or discounts amortized over the term of the investment have to be recognized under net interest income. Dividends derived from equity instruments have to be recognized as current income under net interest income. Gains or losses on investments accounted for using the equity method also have to be reported under net interest income. Impairment losses, reversals of impairment losses, and gains and losses realized on the sale of investments not measured at fair value through profit or loss have to be reported under gains and losses on investments.

Property, plant and equipment, and investment property

Land and buildings as well as office furniture and equipment with an estimated useful life of more than one year used by the Cooperative Financial Network have to be recognized as property, plant and equipment, and investment property. Assets subject to operating leases also have to be included in this item. Real estate held for the purposes of generating rental income or capital appreciation has to be shown under investment property.

Property, plant and equipment, and investment property has to be measured at cost less cumulative depreciation and cumulative impairment losses in subsequent reporting periods.

Depreciation and impairment losses on property, plant and equipment, and investment property have to be recognized as administrative expenses. Reversals of impairment losses are reported under other net operating income/expense.

Income tax assets and liablities

Current and deferred tax assets have to be shown under the income tax assets balance sheet item; current and deferred tax liabilities have to be reported under income tax liabilities. Current income tax assets and liabilities have to be recognized in the amount of any expected refund or future payment.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities have to be recognized for temporary differences between the carrying amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements and those in the financial statements for tax purposes. Deferred tax assets also have to be recognized in respect of as yet unused tax loss carryforwards, provided that utilization of these loss carryforwards is sufficiently probable. Deferred tax assets have to be measured using the national and entity-specific tax rates expected to apply at the time of realization.

Other assets

Intangible assets have to be reported under other assets and are recognized at cost. In the subsequent measurement of software, acquired customer relationships, and other intangible assets with a finite useful life, carrying amounts have to be reduced by cumulative amortization and cumulative impairment losses. Goodwill and other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life do not have to be amortized but have to be subjected to an impairment test at least once during the financial year in accordance with IAS 36.7–57.

Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale

The carrying amount of non-current assets or disposal groups for which a sale is planned is recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through their continuing use. These assets and disposal groups therefore need to be classified as held for sale if the criteria set out below are satisfied.

To be classified as held for sale, the assets or disposal groups must be available for immediate sale in their present condition subject only to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets or disposal groups, and it must be highly probable that a sale will take place.

A sale is deemed to be highly probable if there is a commitment to a plan to sell the asset or disposal group, an active program to locate a buyer and complete the plan has been initiated, the asset or disposal group is being actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to the current fair value, and a sale is expected to be completed within one year of the date on which the asset or disposal group is classified as held for sale.

Assets classified as held for sale have to be measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. The assets no longer have to be depreciated from the date on which they are classified as held for sale.

Assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale have to be shown on the balance sheet as non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale under other assets and as liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale under other liabilities. Gains and losses arising on measurement as well as gains and losses on the sale of these assets or disposal groups that do not belong to a discontinued operation have to be recognized in the income statement under other net operating income/expense. If the assets or disposal groups belong to discontinued operations, all gains and losses arising from these assets and disposal groups must be shown separately as ‘profit/loss from discontinued operations, net of tax’.

Deposits from banks and customers

All liabilities attributable to registered creditors not classified as ‘financial instruments held for trading’ have to be recognized as deposits from banks and customers.

Deposits from banks and customers have to be measured at amortized cost. Where deposits from banks and customers are designated as a hedged item in an effective fair value hedge, the carrying amount has to be adjusted for any change in the fair value attributable to the hedged risk. If, to avoid or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the fair value option is applied for deposits from banks and customers, the liabilities have to be measured at fair value as at the balance sheet date.

Interest expense on deposits from banks and customers are recognized separately under net interest income. Interest expense also includes gains and losses on early repayment and on the amortization of hedge adjustments to carrying amounts due to fair value hedges. Hedge adjustments to the carrying amount due to fair value hedges are reported within other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments under gains and losses arising on hedging transactions. If liabilities are designated as at fair value through profit or loss, the gains and losses on valuation are recognized under the same item as part of other gains and losses on valuation of financial instruments.

Debt certificates issued including bonds

‘Pfandbriefe’, other bonds, and other debt certificates issued for which transferable bearer certificates have been issued have to be recognized as debt certificates issued including bonds.

Debt certificates issued including bonds and gains and losses thereon have to be measured and recognized in the same way as deposits from banks and customers.


Provisions are liabilities in which the amounts or due dates are uncertain. Provisions have to be recognized for present obligations arising out of past events, in which it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated.

The provisions have to be recognized and measured using the best estimate of the present value of their anticipated utilization. This estimate has to take account of future events as well as the risks and uncertainties relating to the issue concerned.

Provisions for defined benefit plans

Where a commitment is made to defined contribution plans, fixed contributions have to be paid to external pension providers. The amount of the contributions and the income earned from the pension assets determine the amount of future pension benefits. The risks arising from the obligation to pay such benefits in the future lie with the pension provider. No provisions have to be recognized for these indirect pension commitments. The contributions paid have to be recognized as pension and other post-employment benefit expenses under administrative expenses.

Under a defined benefit plan, the employer promises a specific benefit and bears all the risks arising from this promise. Defined benefit obligations have to be measured on the basis of the projected unit credit method. The measurement has to be based on various actuarial assumptions. In particular, assumptions have to be made about long-term salary and pension trends and average life expectancy. Assumptions about salary and pension trends have to be based on past trends and take into account expectations regarding future changes in the labor market. Generally accepted biometric tables (2005G mortality tables published by Professor Dr. Klaus Heubeck) have to be used to estimate average life expectancy. The discount rate used to discount future payment obligations must be an appropriate market interest rate for investment-grade fixed-income corporate bonds with a maturity equivalent to that of the defined benefit obligations. The discount rate depends on the obligation structure (duration) and has to be determined using a portfolio of high-quality corporate bonds that must satisfy certain criteria in terms of quality and volume (outstanding face value). One of the notable quality criteria is an average AA rating from Moody’s Investors Service, New York, Standard & Poor’s, New York, Fitch Ratings, New York/London, and DBRS, Toronto. Bonds with existing call options in the form of embedded derivatives do not have to be included in this process. The defined benefit obligations of the primary banks and MHB have to be measured in accordance with the aforementioned principles, applying a typical underlying pension entitlement.

Actuarial gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions regarding the defined benefit obligations, and gains and losses arising from the remeasurement of plan assets and reimbursement rights have to be recognized in other comprehensive income in the financial year in which they occur.

Provisions for loans and advances

Provisions for losses on loans and advances have to factor in the usual sector-specific level of uncertainty. The underlying assumptions and estimates used have to include figures based on past experience as well as expectations and forecasts relating to future trends and developments.

Provisions relating to building society operations

Provisions relating to building society operations have to be recognized to cover the payment of any bonuses that may have been agreed in the terms and conditions of home savings contracts.

These bonuses may take the form of a reimbursement of some of the sales charges or interest bonuses on deposits.

Residual provisions

Further provisions for employee benefits, such as provisions for other long-term employee benefits (e.g. semi-retirement (Altersteilzeit) schemes), provisions for termination benefits (e.g. early retirement schemes), and provisions for short-term employee benefits, have to be included under other provisions.

Residual Provisions for restructuring also have to be included under other provisions, as do provisions for risks arising from ongoing legal disputes. The latter have to be recognized when the reasons indicating that a legal dispute will result in a payment obligation are stronger than those indicating the opposite. The amount in which such provisions are recognized is based on the potential resulting losses.

Subordinated capital

All registered or bearer debt instruments that, in the event of insolvency or liquidation, are repaid only after settlement of all unsubordinated liabilities but before distribution to shareholders of any proceeds from the insolvency or liquidation have to be included in subordinated capital.

Subordinated capital and gains and losses on this capital have to be measured and recognized in the same way as deposits from banks and customers.


Equity has to represent the residual value of the Cooperative Financial Network’s assets minus its liabilities. Cooperative shares of the independent local cooperative banks and capital of silent partners have to be treated as economic capital in the consolidated financial statements and recognized as equity. Subscribed capital – consisting of cooperative shares or share capital and liabilities to dormant partners – and capital reserves of the local cooperative banks have to be included in equity.

The equity earned by the Cooperative Financial Network, the reserve resulting from the fair value measurement of available-for-sale financial assets (revaluation reserve), the cash flow hedge reserve, the currency translation reserve, and the non-controlling interests in the equity of consolidated entities also have to be included.

Trust activities

Trust activities are defined as business transacted in one’s own name for a third-party account. Assets and liabilities held as part of trust activities do not satisfy the criteria for recognition on the balance sheet.

Income and expenses arising from trust activities have to be recognized as fee and commission income and fee and commission expenses respectively. Income and expenses resulting from the transmission and administration of trust loans have to be netted and included in the fee and commission income earned from lending and trust activities.

Explanatory information on the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements have to contain explanatory information in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Disclosures in accordance with IFRS 12 ‘Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities’
  • Segment information in accordance with IFRS 8.5–19 ‘Operating Segments’
  • Further analysis and breakdowns of the material components of income statement and balance sheet items
  • Presentation of the change in allowances for losses on loans and advances (balance sheet and income statement; reconciliation of opening balance to closing balance)
  • Reconciliation in accordance with IAS 12.81c to show the relationship between notional income taxes and recognized income taxes based on application of the current tax law in Germany
  • Changes in the present value of defined benefit obligations and changes in plan assets in accordance with IAS 19.140
  • Disclosures on financial instruments in accordance with IFRS 7.25 and IFRS 7.39a

  • Disclosures on capital adequacy and regulatoryratios:
    • The disclosures have to refer to the institutional protection scheme (cooperative joint liability scheme). The disclosures relating to own funds and capital requirements have to be based on the information from the extended aggregated calculation in accordance with article 49 (3) CRR in conjunction with article 113 (7) CRR.
    • The leverage ratio for the Cooperative Financial Network’s institutional protection scheme as at December 31, 2017 has to be reported in accordance with the methodology specified in article 429 CRR. The capital measure used has to be Tier 1 capital as determined in the extended aggregated calculation in accordance with article 49 (3) CRR, which has to be adjusted for all internal Tier 1 capital positions within the joint liability scheme of the members of the institutional protection scheme. The risk exposures have to be determined by aggregating the individual leverage ratio submissions of all the member banks and adjusted for material internal exposures within the joint liability scheme.
    • The primary banks and Münchener Hypothekenbank have to be included individually on the basis of their respective submissions. DZ BANK’s submission has to be included on a consolidated basis. The DZ BANK Group’s submission has to be based on the regulatory scope of consolidation.
    • The underlying submissions of the members of the institutional protection scheme (IPS) as at December 31, 2017 have to be based on Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014, which was amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 2016/428 to reflect the changes to Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2015/62 of October 10, 2014.

  • Breakdowns of the composition of financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments, trust activities, asset management by the Union Investment Group, changes in the contract port folios and changes in the allocation assets of Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall, and a cover state ment for the mortgages and local authority loans extended by the mortgage banks
  • Disclosures on leases in accordance with IAS 17.47
  • A list of the members of the Board of Managing Directors of the BVR
  • Consolidated financial statements signed and dated by the Board of Managing Directors.

Management report including riskreport

The management report including the risk report has to be prepared in accordance with the principles in section 315 (1) sentences 1 to 4 HGB. Key performance indicators have to be disclosed pursuant to section 315 (3) HGB. The relevant non-financial key performance indicators have to be included in the human resources report. The risk report has to present the disclosures pursuant to section 315 (2) sentence 1 no. 1 HGB as appropriate for the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken Cooperative Financial Network as a whole and in its function as an institutional protection scheme. Furthermore, the material opportunities and the risk management of the decentralized Cooperative Financial Network have to be presented, along with an outlook on the expected development of the material components of the income statement.